Howdy, Readers!

Well, August was a blur. I’m all but begging my son, Cowboy, to give me some paid time off as his personal assistant. Thank God he’s a cute taskmaster. We’ve stayed busy in all kinds of ways, including Cowboy’s looking for a new job. The pilot program he was working through ended, and he said his goodbyes to the wonderful staff at the food bank. The accolades they gave him will soon be printed out and framed for all to see; his resume is looking better all the time.

And so, he’s patiently searching for work. He and Radar, his employment assistant, spend hours each week completing on-line applications, something we all know brings joy and laughter to life. Hopefully, this search won’t last too long. Either way, I know God will open the right door, again.

In the midst of obligations, there have been many swims, much bowling, a thousand miles driven by this chauffeur, and full weekends. But, dear reader, most importantly, I hosted a party where nobody under the age of 25 was permitted. And no boys were allowed. That’s right. I had a girl party, consisting of friends from my Bible study for caregivers of special needs individuals. It was heaven on earth, and my first lawn party, complete with a mean game of croquet and a small bocce court Flash built. There will be more girl parties.

And so, we carry on. I know times are tough right now, so I wanted tolet you know I think of you throughout each week, and I am thankful for you and your friendship. I pray you and your family are well. I’d love to hear how you are; drop me an email please.

I will be posting my next article, “Speak Up,” next Wednesday. I hope you’ll join me then.
